Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

Spezielle Wünsche zu Weihnachten

Sit here with me and listen to the
woods. Did you know the trees can talk? They do.
They tell me all sorts of tales, for most have been
here several hundred years and they have seen such
things that we can't even imagine.
Yes, they have spoken of the wild animals,
the strange ones and they haves seen the things that
made the huge boulders tumble from the ground.
They have seen the floods that left these shells
buried in the earth. And they can tell of people--
your own ancestors.
But others, too, drovers with herds of cat-
tle, outlaws and hunters, devious men hiding their
cache. Some have left carvings on the stone. Put
your arms around that tree as far as you can reach
and listen . . . what do you hear?

Holy Mother Earth, the trees and all nature, are
witnesses of your thoughts and deeds.

By: Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Es liegt ein Duft in der Welt

ein Duft von Hoffnung ein Traum

sendet uns der Wind in dieser Zeit

von Frieden in allen Seelen schwingt

die Göttlichkeit und Schönheit

dieser heiligen Nacht.

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